Sep 12, 2017 | Abstract, Graphic Design, Photography, Portraits
Project Name: Floating Books- Levitation Project Client Location: Camden, Delaware Date: August 2017 Scope: In my Digital Imaging course, I wanted my students to do a levitation photography project. Having not done it myself, I got out my camera and enlisted the help...
Oct 4, 2016 | Abstract, General Design, Graphic Design, Landscape & Buildings, Photography, Uncategorized
In class today, we did a Boring Image Contest. We started with a fairly generic image, and were told to add photoshop magic and make it interesting. This is my result.
Oct 29, 2014 | Abstract, Photography
I had a lot of fun taking these pictures. My 6-year-old son came with me- he wants to be a photographer when he grows up and sell his photos to hotels so they can hang them on a wall. So needless to say, I’m proud of him, and he was a great help today. He...
Oct 22, 2014 | Abstract, Macro, Photography
I’ll admit, I had some fun putting these together! I loved this shot of the doorknob with the angle and strong focus, and in my mind I saw a paint peeling texture on top of it. I grabbed an image I took of a peeling wall, and started playing with it. I...